Billable hour calculator
Billable hour calculator

billable hour calculator

These calculators allow you to calculate the cost for the individual agencies based on the type of pitch you are planning to run. But this cost is often hidden from advertisers. The more agencies involved, the greater the expense. Pitching can be notoriously expensive for all involved. Procurement professionals wanting to independently benchmark their current or proposed agency rates.Advertisers wanting to determine where various agencies benchmark against their competitors.Advertising agencies wanting to check their rates against the market.At the core of the Ad Cost Checker is an extensive database of agency rates and industry costs collected and used by TrinityP3 in our consultancy practice across a wide range of agencies and advertisers across all major categories and a wide range of spend and budget sizes. An overhead and profit multiple from the equivalent mark-ups and commissions.Īd Cost Checker is an advertising cost benchmarking calculator that allows you to statistically benchmark the hour rates and fees for creative, media, digital, social, design and advertising production.An hourly rate based on an annual salary.An annual salary based on an hourly rate being charged.How many billable hours there are in a year.The Agency Rate Calculators are ideal for calculating: Whether or not you’re contemplating using an Agency Search consultant, conducting an Agency Review Process, or looking at Agency Evaluation and Performance, these calculators help provide more visibility into agency cost and profit structure. If you’ve ever wondered how much an hourly rate works out to as an annual salary or wanted to convert agency overhead and profit mark-up into a multiple, wonder no more. Your window into agency costs and profit structure.

Billable hour calculator